
Latest sathya sai baba bhajans
Latest sathya sai baba bhajans

latest sathya sai baba bhajans

The Rathotsavam (Chariot Festival) at Prasanthi Nilayam is a tradition that goes back to the early 1950’s. ‘The Gods’ mounted on a chariot were taken out along the road in royal procession. Subsequent to the Divine Marriage, ‘The Divine Couple’ along with Lord Venugopala Swami were escorted out in a royal procession as part of the annual Rathotsavam. (Rathotsavam – 18th November 2008) Photo by author That is the meaning of the declaration in the Bhagawad Geetha: “A spark of Mine is present in every being.” You have to receive God’s love, and you have to offer your love to Him. How does this love express itself? It is a process of give and take. Without love, but few of you would have come from such distant places. What has brought them together here? Love is the main cause. “Today, thousands of people have gathered here. Don’t confine your feelings to yourselves or retain them only during your stay here. “With holy thoughts in you on this auspicious day, you must go out into the world and spread your sacred feelings among others.

latest sathya sai baba bhajans

“My Birthday is the Date when Divinity Blossoms in your Heart” On His Birthday Embodying His Love In Our Lives Follow Swami’s commands and you will attain everything and be victorious in all your endeavours! With Shraddha and Vishwasa (sincerity of purpose and faith) and self-confidence, you can achieve anything in the world. Recognise the truth that God pervades everything from microcosm to macrocosm. Do not hurt anyone by your harsh words and enter into any evil paths. To win over the hearts of so many is a sign of Divinity. It is a matter of great bliss to be loved by many. – Sathya Sai Baba (Baba the Breath of Sai p.305) He lights the flame of Realization in each and the age-old ignorance is destroyed in an instant.” Then only can man listen, learn, understand, follow and be saved, through the Bliss of that experience. The Formless has to manifest as Form the Formless has to appear with Form. Fire is inherent in the matchstick but it is only when it is struck as flame that we can benefit from it. The human mind cannot grasp the Absolute, Attributeless Principle it is Abstract and beyond the ready of Speech, Mind and Intellect. The Avatar comes as Man in order to demonstrate that Man is Divine, in order to be within reach of Man. If such happens, it is the consequence of the evil in man. He does not found a new creed, to breed a new faction, to instill a new God. “The Avatar comes to reveal man to himself, to restore to him his birthright of inner Bliss.

Latest sathya sai baba bhajans